What is Organic Conversational Hypnosis

Hypnotherapy is a complementary therapy that helps people discover the unconscious reasons for their symptoms, behaviours, or habits and utilises the power, working in trance, to bring about change to those thoughts, feelings and behaviour.

The process aims to alter your state of consciousness in a way that relaxes the conscious part of the mind while simultaneously stimulating and focusing the unconscious part. This heightened state of awareness – reached using conversational hypnosis in an organic way – allows the therapist to guide you to the resources you already have in your unconscious mind, to change the behaviour or feelings that are holding you back, helping you set aside those limiting beliefs which may have been preventing you from moving toward a more healthy and happy you.

Conversational Hypnosis  with Cat Thomas

Conversational Hypnosis with Cat Thomas

It is widely endorsed as a treatment for habit breaking, stress related issues and for a range of long-term conditions, and in recent years has been gaining steam in the medical world. Medical practitioners support the use of hypnosis in many areas of conventional medicine such as pain relief and IBS, many have found the process has been incredibly effective when used in tandem with traditional treatment or when used independently after other avenues have been exhausted. ­

Hypnosis has the capacity to work for everyone who has the desire or motivation to search inside for answers and solutions. The most important thing to remember is that you must be fully committed to the process and feel that you can place your trust in your hypnotherapist. You are very hypnotisable if you have the ability to concentrate, if you often day dream, if you have a good memory, if you become thoroughly absorbed by a good book or if you become entranced by an interesting movie. All these things are a form of hypnotic state where your conscious mind is giving way to your unconscious mind.

You will be able to use hypnosis to change a habit and thinking, finding your own resources to accomplish goals, change your future and resolve those limiting beliefs.

Take back control of your life and live the life you were meant to live.
* About Conversational Organic Hypnosis audio

Meet Cat Thomas