Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – Reliving a harrowing event over and over again The fear that wells up in you is responding to a threat from a deep seated memory of trauma. It sends out signals of the remembered trauma…
Anxiety – a call to action
What It Feels Like To Have Anxiety. Living with anxiety is having feelings of dread, nervousness, apprehension, fearfulness and unease, sometimes many times throughout a day. This can often be about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome…
Hypnosis for a Healthier, Leaner You
Trying to weight can be the most frustrating and demoralizing way to spend your life. It is so easy to make a habit, whether it is food, or any other habit. What we like to eat most of is not always…
The Wonderful World of Hypnosis
The Wonderful World Of Hypnosis Hypnosis is being researched more and more these days, by the scientific and medical professions, and is being used in hospital settings for pain relief in procedures such as child birth, dental surgery and for end…